
Wellness can be described as a holistic approach to nurturing and maintaining a balanced and fulfilling life, encompassing physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It involves actively engaging the body, soul and spirit in practices and habits that promote overall health and vitality, fostering a sense of harmony and wholeness in every aspect of life.

Prioritizing wellness means cultivating a lifestyle that supports optimal physical health, mental clarity, emotional resilience, and spiritual growth, leading to a profound sense of inner peace, joy, and fulfillment. We want to partner alongside you to provide you with practical resources in order to do so.

At Jesus People Places we connect you with different fitness, health, faith and counseling options to help you unlock the best version of yourself.

Body: Prioritizing sleep, exercising, nourishing your body with proper nutrients (food + supplements)

Soul: Unlocking your purpose, finding your people, exploring your hobbies

Spirit: Learning more about your Heavenly Father through scripture + prayer

Body, Soul, Spirit

Ready to start your wellness journey?

Practices to start implementing

These are practices I have been implementing into my life. Make it your goal to try three of these this week. Challenge yourself this week!

If you’re looking to shop my favorite wellness products.

  1. No phone first 30 minutes of your morning: Incorporating a no-phone policy during the first hour of your morning routine can promote a healthier and more intentional start to your day, allowing you to focus on self-care, mindfulness, and setting a positive tone for the hours ahead. Helps promote mindfulness, focus, and productivity + reduces stress. Helps improve goal setting first thing in the morning. Reducing exposure to blue light and digital stimulation early in the day can help regulate your circadian rhythm and improve overall sleep quality.

  2. Morning meditation; I listen to abide christian meditations: Incorporating a morning meditation practice into your daily routine can serve as a powerful tool for promoting overall well-being and fostering a more balanced and fulfilling life. This will help cultivate gratitude, self awareness, and positivity as well as enhance emotional well being.

  3. Oil pulling with organic coconut oil: swishing around coconut, sesame, or sunflower oil for 10-20 mins helps promote oil health, gum health, teeth whitening, and overall detoxification.

  4. Tongue scrapping before anything else in the morning. This helps remove bacteria built up while sleeping. Linking the one I use here: Tongue scraping is a simple oral hygiene practice that involves gently scraping the surface of the tongue to remove bacteria, food debris, and dead cells. This practice is believed to offer several potential benefits, including — oral hygiene, reducing bad breath, enhanced taste, and increase overall health.

  5. Morning sunlight, open your blinds or spend at least twenty mins outside: Exposure to morning sunlight can offer several potential health benefits, thanks to the natural light and its impact on the body's internal clock — benefits include regulation of circadian rhythm, enhanced mood and energy levels, vitamin D, improved focus and alertness.

  6. Exercise in the morning: this helps promote energy throughout the day, consistency and mental focus. While the benefits of morning exercise are notable, it's important to choose a time that works best for your individual schedule and preferences.

  7. Bone broth in the morning: Consuming bone broth before eating in the morning can offer several potential health benefits, as it provides a rich source of nutrients and bioactive compounds. Some advantages of incorporating bone broth into your morning routine include; gut health and support, nutrient absorption, joint and bone health, immune system support, hydration and electrolyte balance.

  8. Ice rolling (linking mine here): reduces morning puffiness, improves circulation, skin tightening and toning, enhanced product absorption, eased muscle tension, and refreshed sensation.